Tourniquet Page 13
For a moment, Samantha thought she now understood how Zoe felt.
Chapter 33
Aiden blacked out for a minute. He opened his eyes to find Zoe hovering over him. His mouth tasted like blood even though he recalled getting hit in the head. Aiden wondered if he had bitten his tongue or perhaps his lip when he landed on the ground.
Zoe smiled at him, gloating now that she had the upper hand.
Why didn’t she finish me while I was out? She had me right where she wanted. Everything would have been over and victory would be in her grasp.
Aiden tried to sit up but the sharp pain in his skull forced him to stay put. He rubbed his scalp, quickly locating the raised bump which pushed up through his hairline. He mumbled what he had been thinking.
“Why didn’t you kill me?”
Zoe laughed. “I will. What’s the rush?”
Aiden rolled onto his elbow. The shift in position steadied his vision but didn’t alleviate the throbbing in his head.
“Who’s in the car?”
Aiden had forgotten about Samantha. He strained to hear if she was nearby. No sound of the cavalry coming. “Does it matter?”
Zoe glowered at Aiden. She shifted from one foot to the other. Even in the dark, Aiden could see her nude figure. Zoe’s tight, small body with muscular legs and abs supported her perky breasts. He stole a glance at her privates since they were near his face. Aiden wondered if he’d ever see a naked woman again. His sex life had been recent and brief.
“Tell me who’s in the car. If you do, I may give you something to remember as you go to the other side.”
Aiden laughed, causing him to wince from the pain. “Like a blowjob?” He snorted out loud to show off his sarcasm, since laughing hurt too much.
“Among other things, yes.” Zoe squatted down so her face was in line with Aiden’s. He wanted to reach out and grab her by the hair so he could throttle her. But every movement felt like a drill bit digging through his brain. He searched the area for what Zoe had used to club him. Nothing stood out.
“You won’t win, Aiden. It was a valiant effort but you should have learned your lesson when you tried to fake me out with the blood. I’m not a fool. And I play for keeps.”
Aiden tried to roll over. He was stopped immediately by another burst of lightning in his brain. “Well, I’m not as smart as Spencer and I’m not as athletic as Ryan and Todd. But I could get by.”
Zoe smiled. She stroked Aiden’s face with a finger. “I think you’re better than”
Aiden heard the sarcasm. “Yeah, nice work back there. I’m surprised he didn’t beat the shit out of you.”
“He tried. At least he put up more of a fight than Ryan.”
Aiden finally coaxed himself to sit up, one hand clutching his bump. “That was a creepy calling card you left at the park. I knew you were a sick bitch. But even that surprised me.” Aiden spat a wad of blood onto the gravel.
Zoe stood up straight with her hands on her hips. “You liked that, huh? I do my best work alone. Which is why I have to kill you now. So I can deal with Spencer mano y mano.”
Aiden controlled his expression. He forgot that Spencer was dead. He had just assumed that Zoe had had something to do with his demise. But if Zoe didn’t know Spencer was gone, then maybe he could use the threat of Spencer coming to his aid as leverage.”
“Spencer won’t fail this time around. He’s ready for you. Pulled out all the stops for the big showdown.”
Zoe grew angry with Aiden’s wise cracks. She kicked him in the meaty part of his thigh. The burn of a Charlie horse flared across his muscle. Aiden shot his hands away from his head to comfort his leg.
“Is he the cocksucker in the car? What did he do, leave his precious sports car at home so he could drive his parent’s jalopy?” She huffed derision at Aiden.
“You’ll see him soon. After he parks the car, he’ll come looking for us. For you, especially.”
“Mmmmm, I’m shaking in my...well, I’m not wearing any boots...”
Aiden needed to wrap it up soon. He had stalled long enough to regain his wits. The throbbing in his head wasn’t going to go away any time soon. So he had to make a move. And he wondered what had happened to Samantha. Maybe she had quit and gone home after all.
“So what are you going to do to me? Bite my neck? Bash my brains in? A little of both?” Aiden sassed his tormentor to egg her on. His plan was to have her come at him for another kick or punch. Then he would sweep her leg and use his strength and size to wrestle her into a choke hold. If he had to, Aiden would pummel her face with his knuckles.
“I will definitely drink your blood. But first, I would like to totally emasculate you, like I should have done back at Jordyn’s house. I can look past your attitude, but I can’t forgive your disobedience. Especially, since you showed me up in front of everyone. You need to be taught a lesson.”
Zoe took two steps towards Aiden. As she came in his direction, Aiden swung his left leg around, catching Zoe’s ankle. She let out a high-pitched squeak as she fell to the ground, shocked by Aiden’s audacity. He used the surprise attack to climb on top of Zoe. She bucked her hips upward, springing Aiden into the air like he had been bull-riding on a huge animal. It was Aiden’s turn to show surprise. He scrambled to his knees just as Zoe jumped on his back. She bit into the side of his head, missing his neck but ripping into his ear. Aiden howled when Zoe’s teeth tore the cartilage from his head. Zoe spat the torn ear into the dark. She used her nails to dig into Aiden’s flesh, providing a stronger hold on him. Aiden stood up and forced his back into a support beam. Zoe screamed out in anguish. The iron pole smashed into her spine. She immediately let go of Aiden. He stumbled to regain his balance.
For the first time in forever, Aiden had Zoe right where he wanted her. She writhed on the ground at his feet. Aiden had the upper hand. Now the time had come to finish what Zoe had started. Aiden couldn’t believe how easy it had been. He thought for sure he would have had to sacrifice much more than an ear to win this fight.
I did. I lost Leah.
The remembrance of Leah propelled Aiden to lunge at Zoe.
Chapter 34
Zoe gritted her teeth against the sharp pain twisting her spine.
“You cunt!” Zoe spat at Aiden as he lunged in her direction.
As Aiden dove upon Zoe, she spread her legs wide to accept his momentum. Aiden’s face lightened with confusion but it was too late for him to hold up his descent. He landed between Zoe’s thighs. His waist chaffed her sex, but Zoe wasted little time turning her defense into offense. Aiden choked Zoe, his soft hands tightening across her throat. Zoe wrapped her legs around Aiden’s mid-section as if she were bringing her lover in deeper. She made sure to tighten her legs around Aiden’s stomach before locking her heels together in a deadly squeeze.
Aiden squirmed against Zoe’s powerful grip. She heard him gasp for breath, spurring her to tighten the noose more. Zoe used her hands to shove Aiden’s face backwards. She watched the cords on his neck strain while she tried to pop off his head at the same time as she squeezed the air out of his lungs.
Aiden wriggled to the left and lowered an elbow into Zoe’s nose. She heard a crunch echo through her skull as her nose gave way. The immediate flow of blood gagged her throat. Zoe swallowed a few mouthfuls of her own bleeding before spraying a crimson cloud into Aiden’s down-turned face. He attempted to gasp yet again, still struggling for air.
Zoe giggled aloud. She had been shocked by Aiden’s sudden ability to stand up for himself, to be a strong person and fight with true rage. Now, she realized Aiden had only been a paper dragon. He would always be the mousy, quiet kid. The one who followed the pack because he had no balls to stand on his own principles.
I must give him points for trying though.
Nah. Fuck him.
Zoe swung her hips right, tossing Aiden off her. His skin slid along the gravel beneath the bleachers. He quickly rolled to his knees to spring back to his feet.
But all he found was his body’s need to recover oxygen. Aiden choked and screeched with a raspy voice.
Zoe stood up. She brushed off her bare thighs and slowly approached her prey. She knew Aiden deserved punishment but she wished to end the fray sooner so she could face her arch nemesis, Spencer. Too much energy couldn’t be wasted on little Aiden if she wanted to power up for the big fight.
Zoe kicked Aiden in the ribs. He had just begun to catch a breath. What little air had filled his lungs sputtered out once again. He dropped to his stomach, holding his ribcage. Zoe raised her heel and boot-stomped Aiden in the chest. She felt a slight crack beneath her foot. It made her laugh out loud as she tried to picture his breast bone split in two.
She towered above Aiden. Zoe hocked up a bloody wad and spat in into Aiden’s grimace. Then she pounced on him once more. Zoe’s strong legs clasped tight to Aiden’s chest. She dug her fingers into his face to release bloody trails of venom. Aiden managed to squeeze one arm up to swipe her hands from his face. But he was powerless to fend off the flurry of blows she brought down. Zoe enjoyed the feel of her knuckles striking his flesh. The slapping sound of bone on bone echoed around them in the covered darkness.
Aiden lost consciousness. Zoe continued to punch him until she realized he was no longer fighting her. She had done it. Aiden would give her the blood she required to go toe to toe with Spencer. And then the world would be hers. She had but one mountain left to climb.
As Zoe slumped to feed on Aiden’s throbbing carotid artery, a car screeched in the distance. Zoe sat up immediately. A sinking feeling roiled in her gut.
What if it’s the cops? Or Spencer?
Zoe feared she would be caught with Aiden before she could finish her plan. As much as she needed his sustenance, Zoe couldn’t risk losing an opportunity to carry out her vengeance. She glanced down at Aiden’s soft features. The blood only enhanced his boyish good looks in Zoe’s eyes. She licked her lips to catch the salivation for his blood. Then she climbed off Aiden and darted to the end of the bleachers. Looking north, the coast remained void of pursuers. She wondered if she had panicked prematurely. Maybe the screeching tires had been further away than she had imagined. The sound could have been amplified by the metal bleachers and the hollowed-out bowl of the football field.
She still couldn’t risk it.
Zoe scrambled up the far hill, traveling away from the school yard where she had disposed of Todd and Jordyn. Whoever had been with Aiden could still be coming for her. She clawed her way up the steep embankment, using her fingernails to gain purchase in the soil. Her thighs burned with exhaustion from climbing and running and squeezing Aiden. Zoe smiled to herself that she could sell a killer workout if all else failed. She chuckled at the pun.
At the top of the bowl, Zoe grasped the iron railing of the chain link fence so she could scale it.
Suddenly, Zoe felt as if she were being watched. She hovered at the top of the fence, pausing to survey the landscape. Not a soul in sight along the paved walking path. The parking lot, darkened and shadowy, stood still. Zoe twisted her neck to glance behind her. No one came for her up the grass or across the field.
Even though the feeling persisted, Zoe decided to finish her escape. She swung her left leg over, followed by her right. She landed on the pavement, her bare feet making a soft slapping sound. She spun and began to run for the far side of the parking lot.
Chills covered her flesh.
Zoe skidded to a stop. Again, she checked all around for the eyes which threatened her sense of safety. The darkness cloaked whatever threat was out there. There was nothing she could do to shake the feeling. Zoe knew she had to keep moving, regardless of how she felt. If someone was out there, then they would clash whether she stood in place searching for them or if she ran away.
So I might as well run.
As Zoe began to sprint across the lot, she heard a sound which took her breath away. In her heart of hearts, Zoe knew she had been careless.
And now it was too late.
She had to face the coming attack.
Chapter 35
Samantha chewed her fingernail. The hardness softened by saliva and jagged from nervous gnawing. Sitting in wait ate away at her anger. Her soul.
A shadow crept along the lot. Its slight frame almost indistinguishable from the forested background. Samantha leaned closer, straining above the steering wheel to be sure. She had to be sure the target was Zoe. If it wasn’t, then it would be murder.
Even if it’s her, it’s still murder.
Samantha bit into her lower lip, swallowed a lump and gunned the engine.
She didn’t realize she had closed her eyes until the sickening thud rocked the front end of the car. Samantha slammed on the brakes. The car skidded to a halt.
Darkness surrounding the vehicle encroached on the safe interior, swarming about Samantha’s head.
She found herself hyperventilating. Her chest rising and falling in rapid succession.
Samantha blinked, searching the black ether for a form. She envisioned Zoe springing on the hood of the car. Her long fingernails scratching along the paint with an eerie, tingling sensation. Staring eyes probing her skull. Zoe climbing up the hood, smashing an unholy fist through the windshield to grasp her throat and choke the life from her body.
Samantha blinked.
She wiped her mouth with the back of her palm. Listening closely for signs of life, Samantha stared ahead as if her eyes could pick up the sounds.
Her hand reached for the headlights. The beveled switch, in her fingertips, resonated with her own heartbeat as it pulsed to the plastic. Samantha scowled around the lot to see if her act of crime had been discovered by the authorities. By an unsuspecting fool who might have come to the high school track for an early morning jog.
She twisted the switch.
The headlights lit up the parking lot ahead. Freaky shadows danced between the trees at the back of the grounds. A wisp of smoke, left over from the burning rubber, wafted up as a specter, pointing an accusatory finger her way.
No Zoe.
Samantha’s breathing stopped. Where was she? Could her body be under the wheels, pancaked like week-old road kill on the highway? Was she sprawled along the roof? Maybe she had been lofted into the woods ahead.
Samantha gently opened the car door. A haunting feeling of a dead hand reaching for her ankle from under the vehicle sent chills through her. Samantha skipped out from the driver’s seat before such a hand could grab her. She stepped backwards, stooping to check under the carriage. While it was dark, the glow of the headlights illuminated just enough to see Zoe was not down there.
Samantha raised a hand to her mouth. She stood to search the roof of the car.
No Zoe.
She fanned her face, turning her attention to the front of the vehicle. The headlights shined cleanly toward the forest. No sign of a mangled corpse. Not even a streak of blood was visible near the car. Samantha worried she had imagined the whole thing. Could it have been a dream - or nightmare - from which she had awakened, feeling more real than reality. Almost like a sexual dream, when she would awake, positive that Holden and she had made passionate love. The orgasm so real, but only a lingering phantom from her dream state.
Samantha took slow, measured steps toward the front end. Her eyes darted left and right, up and down. As she cleared the driver’s side of the vehicle, Samantha shielded her vision from the blinding lights.
A clump.
Her breath ceased in her throat.
Samantha saw Zoe.
A huddled mass of naked flesh along the pavement.
Samantha tried to figure out how she had ended up off to the passenger side. She was certain the body had been squared up perfectly when she had hit the gas. She reminded herself that her eyes had been closed when she struck Zoe.
But she was sure the thump of Zoe’s body had been from the very middle of the bu
Samantha stole another nervous glance around the school to see if she had been found out. She took a few more intrepid steps toward the body.
It was difficult to tell in the darkness, but it appeared Zoe was not breathing. Samantha felt both relieved and horrified simultaneously. She approached Zoe and crouched to check for a pulse. Her hand slowly reached for Zoe’s wrist. Samantha hesitated, afraid Zoe would snap up and surprise Samantha with a horrific mouth full of sharpened teeth. Her fears were senseless but they overwhelmed her ability to act.
Samantha rose to her feet, pondering her next move. Should she just hop in the car and flee? Where was Aiden? Should she look for him and see if he was still alive? Samantha was conflicted. All that mattered was avenging the death of her daughter. Once Zoe was dead, Samantha didn’t owe Aiden or anyone a goddamned thing. She would be left with a choice of suicide or living on the run, alone until her old age.
Fuck it, Samantha chided herself. You’ve come this far. You might as well finish the job. And the only way is to know, for sure, that this evil cunt is dead.
Samantha began to lower her knees. She reached out toward Zoe’s wrist once again.
A sound startled Samantha.
Nearing footsteps from her right. The shuffling sound of a drunk or someone with a deformity in their gait.
Samantha strained to find Aiden. He pattered across the pavement. As he reached the faint spectrum of light, Samantha saw the streaks of blood along his face and a clump of mangled flesh on the side of his head; gooey, thickened blood forcing his hair to stand straight off his skull.
He croaked an unintelligible sound. Samantha tried to discern his message. She glanced back at Zoe to make sure the girl hadn’t risen from the dead to kill her. The lifeless lump of girl remained as it had been when she had discovered her.